The relationship between chocolate and oranges

The relationship between chocolate and oranges

The combination of chocolate and oranges has a long and fascinating history. This delightful flavor pairing has captured the hearts and taste buds of people around the world.The origins of the chocolate and orange flavor combination can be traced back to the 19th century when advancements in transportation and canning made oranges more accessible. The unique blend of chocolate’s rich, indulgent taste with the bright, citrusy notes of oranges has made it a popular choice in desserts and treats. In this article, we will delve deeper into the history of the chocolate and orange flavor combination, explore popular chocolate orange desserts and treats, uncover the science behind their complementary flavors, discover creative ways to incorporate them in recipes, learn the process of making chocolate-covered oranges, explore the variations of chocolate-covered oranges, delve into the famous brand Terry’s Chocolate Orange, and discover the unique variety of Navel Chocolate Oranges.

The History of Chocolate and Oranges

The history of the chocolate and orange flavor combination is a story of discovery and innovation. Oranges were considered a rare and exotic fruit until transportation and canning advancements in the 19th century made them more widely available. Prior to these advancements, oranges were a luxury item and were not readily accessible to most people. Similarly, chocolate has always been a luxury and labor-intensive to make. The process of transforming cocoa beans into chocolate involves various steps, including fermentation, drying, roasting, grinding, and conching. These laborious processes made chocolate an expensive and prized product.

As transportation and canning techniques improved, oranges became more accessible to a wider audience. The sweet and tangy flavor of oranges, combined with their vibrant color and refreshing juiciness, quickly gained popularity. At the same time, chocolate was making its way to Europe from the Americas. The Spanish explorers were among the first to bring cocoa beans back to Europe, and the combination of chocolate and orange was soon discovered.

The Aztecs, who were known for their love of chocolate, were believed to have consumed a bitter chocolate beverage flavored with spices and orange essence. The Aztecs considered chocolate a divine gift from the gods and valued it for its rich and complex flavors. When the Spanish explorers brought chocolate back to Europe, they experimented with different flavor combinations, including the addition of orange. This led to the creation of various chocolate orange treats and desserts that continue to be enjoyed today.

The Science Behind the Flavor Combination

The combination of chocolate and oranges goes beyond simply combining two delicious ingredients. There is a scientific explanation for why these two flavors complement each other so well.The bitterness of chocolate orange helps balance the sweetness of oranges, creating a harmonious taste experience. The richness and depth of flavor in chocolate, with its notes of roasted cocoa and hints of bitterness, create a perfect contrast to the bright and tangy taste of oranges.

Both chocolate and oranges contain aromatic compounds that enhance the flavor when combined. These compounds interact with our taste buds and olfactory receptors, resulting in a more complex and enjoyable flavor profile. When chocolate melts in our mouth, it releases volatile compounds that activate our taste receptors and trigger a pleasurable sensation. The addition of orange enhances this experience by providing a burst of citrusy flavor that balances the richness of chocolate.

For example, when you bite into a chocolate-covered orange segment, the velvety texture of the chocolate gradually gives way to the juicy and refreshing burst of citrus. The combination stimulates multiple senses, resulting in a more enjoyable eating experience.

Popular Chocolate Orange Desserts and Treats

The flavor combination of chocolate and oranges has inspired a wide range of delectable desserts and treats. One of the most well-known chocolate orange treats is chocolate-covered oranges.These delicious delights feature orange segments coated in a layer of chocolate, combining the flavors of chocolate and oranges in a single bite. The contrast between the smooth, velvety chocolate and the juicy, tangy orange creates a delightful flavor experience.

Terry’s Chocolate Orange, a famous brand, offers a variety of chocolate orange treats and desserts. Their iconic Chocolate Orange segments are a popular choice among chocolate lovers. These segments are made with a blend of high-quality chocolate and real orange flavor, resulting in a harmonious combination of tastes.

Other popular chocolate orange desserts include cakes, cookies, and truffles that feature the flavor combination. For example, chocolate orange cake is a moist and decadent treat that combines layers of rich chocolate cake infused with orange essence. The chocolate orange cookies are a perfect balance of chewy and crunchy textures, with the zesty orange zest and the melting chocolate chips adding bursts of flavor.

Creative Ways to Incorporate Chocolate and Oranges in Recipes

  • Creative experimentation in the kitchen with chocolate and oranges due to their versatility.
  • Sweet dishes like chocolate orange tarts, mousse, or cocktails.
  • Rich chocolate and bright orange combination adding depth and complexity to desserts.
  • Usage of orange zest for a burst of citrusy flavor and chocolate for a luscious and indulgent element.
  • Savory dishes with chocolate and oranges, for example, using chocolate orange-infused sauces for grilled chicken or roasted vegetables.
  • Unique and sophisticated flavor profile created by the sweetness of orange and richness of chocolate.
  • Experimentation with chocolate orange marinades for meats or orange-infused chocolate in mole sauces.
  • Chocolate orange vinaigrette as a creative incorporation, suitable for salads or as a marinade for grilled vegetables.
  • Bright citrus flavor and richness of chocolate creating a unique and delightful taste experience in a vinaigrette.

Making Chocolate-Covered Oranges

Making chocolate-covered oranges is a simple and enjoyable process that allows you to savor the combination of chocolate and oranges in a delicious and visually appealing way. To make chocolate-covered oranges, start by peeling the orange and separating it into segments. Then, melt your choice of chocolate, such as dark or milk chocolate, in a double boiler or microwave. Stir in a bit of avocado oil to create a shiny and durable chocolate coating. Dip each orange segment into the melted chocolate, ensuring they are fully coated, and place them on a lined baking sheet. Refrigerate the chocolate-covered oranges until the chocolate sets. Once set, they are ready to be enjoyed as a delightful dessert or snack.

For a richer and more intense flavor, dark chocolate is often recommended for making chocolate-covered oranges. Dark chocolate has a higher cocoa content and a more pronounced bitterness, which complements the sweetness of the oranges. The addition of avocado oil to the melted chocolate helps create a glossy and smooth coating that enhances the overall presentation.

Variations of Chocolate-Covered Oranges

While the classic combination of chocolate and oranges is already delightful, there are several variations of chocolate-covered oranges that you can explore. For example, you can use different types of chocolate, such as white, milk, or dark, to create unique flavor profiles. White chocolate provides a creamy and sweet taste, while milk chocolate adds a smooth and velvety texture. Dark chocolate offers a rich and intense flavor that pairs well with the brightness of oranges. These variations allow you to tailor the flavor combination to your preferences and create a personalized chocolate-covered orange experience.

In addition to different types of chocolate, you can also experiment with various toppings and coatings for your chocolate-covered oranges. For instance, you can sprinkle crushed nuts, shredded coconut, or sea salt over the melted chocolate to add texture and flavor. Another option is to drizzle melted white chocolate over the dark chocolate coating for an elegant and visually appealing design. These variations offer a twist to the traditional chocolate-covered orange treat, allowing you to customize the flavors and textures according to your taste.

Terry’s Chocolate Orange: A Famous Brand

Terry’s Chocolate Orange is a renowned brand that has been delighting chocolate lovers since 1932. It was created in York, England, and has become synonymous with the combination of chocolate and oranges. The brand has changed ownership multiple times over the years and is currently produced in France. Despite these changes, Terry’s Chocolate Orange has maintained its high standards and commitment to creating exceptional chocolate orange treats.

Terry’s Chocolate Orange is known for its iconic shape, resembling a segmented orange. To enjoy the chocolate, you simply tap the orange-shaped package, and it breaks apart into individual chocolate segments. This unique presentation adds an element of fun and interactivity to the chocolate-eating experience.

The brand offers a range of flavors to cater to different preferences. In addition to the classic milk chocolate version, Terry’s Chocolate Orange offers variations such as Dark, Snowball, Mint, and Toffee. Each variation brings its own unique twist to the chocolate and orange flavor combination, offering a diverse range of taste experiences.

Terry’s Chocolate Orange is also renowned for its unique marketing campaigns. Over the years, the brand has captivated consumers with creative and memorable advertisements that highlight the joy and indulgence of enjoying a Terry’s Chocolate Orange. These marketing campaigns have played a significant role in establishing Terry’s Chocolate Orange as a beloved and iconic brand in the chocolate industry.

Navel Chocolate Oranges: A Unique Variety

Navel Chocolate oranges are a unique and rare variety of Navel oranges that have a distinct brown hue and a sweet, low acidity flavor. They were discovered as a natural mutation in Valencia, Spain, and are produced on a small scale by a few growers. Navel Chocolate oranges are available for a limited season in the winter through early spring, adding an element of exclusivity to their appeal.

The distinct brown color of Navel Chocolate oranges is due to the presence of anthocyanins, a type of pigment that gives fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors. Anthocyanins also contribute to the antioxidant properties of these oranges, providing potential health benefits.

Navel Chocolate oranges not only offer a unique and visually striking appearance but also provide nutritional benefits. They are a good source of fiber, potassium, vitamin C, calcium, vitamin A, folate, vitamin E, copper, and other nutrients. Incorporating Navel Chocolate oranges into your diet can be a delicious way to boost your nutrient intake.

Culinary Uses of Navel Chocolate Oranges

Navel Chocolate oranges can be enjoyed in various culinary applications, adding their unique flavor and visual appeal to a wide range of dishes. These oranges can be consumed raw, used in salads, breakfast dishes, or fruit medleys, or incorporated into recipes such as jams, jellies, marmalades, and flavored baked goods. Their sweet, low acidity flavor pairs well with both sweet and savory dishes, making them a versatile ingredient in the kitchen.

For example, you can use Navel Chocolate oranges to make a refreshing salad with mixed greens, feta cheese, and a citrus vinaigrette. The oranges’ sweetness and the chocolate undertones provide a delightful contrast to the tanginess of the cheese and the freshness of the greens. Navel Chocolate oranges can also be used to make jams and marmalades that can be spread on toast or used as fillings for pastries and cakes. The combination of the sweet orange flavor and the subtle hint of chocolate creates a unique and delicious spread.

The rind of Navel Chocolate oranges can be dried and used in various culinary applications as well. It can be grated or finely chopped and used to infuse salts, sugars, sauces, and desserts with a distinct chocolate-orange aroma and flavor. The dried rind can also be added to tea blends or used as a garnish for cocktails, adding a touch of elegance and a hint of chocolate to the beverages.


The relationship between chocolate and oranges is a delicious and harmonious one, with a rich history and an array of culinary possibilities. The combination of chocolate’s indulgent richness with the bright and tangy flavors of oranges creates a taste experience that is both decadent and refreshing. From classic chocolate-covered oranges to the unique variety of Navel Chocolate oranges, this flavor pairing offers a delightful range of desserts, treats, and culinary creations.

The history of the chocolate and orange flavor combination can be traced back to the 19th century when advancements in transportation and canning made oranges more accessible. The popularity of this combination grew as people discovered the harmonious balance of flavors between chocolate and oranges. Today, chocolate orange desserts and treats, such as chocolate-covered oranges and Terry’s Chocolate Orange, continue to captivate chocolate lovers around the world.

The science behind the flavor combination reveals that the bitterness of chocolate helps balance the sweetness of oranges, creating a harmonious taste experience. Both chocolate and oranges contain aromatic compounds that enhance the flavor when combined, resulting in a more complex and enjoyable eating experience.

There are numerous creative ways to incorporate chocolate and oranges in recipes, both sweet and savory. From tarts and mousse to cocktails and sauces, the combination adds depth and complexity to a wide range of dishes. Making chocolate-covered oranges is a simple and enjoyable process that allows you to savor the combination of chocolate and oranges in a delightful and visually appealing way.

The variations of chocolate-covered oranges, such as different types of chocolate and toppings, offer a twist to the traditional treat, allowing for customization according to personal preferences. Terry’s Chocolate Orange, a famous brand, has become synonymous with the chocolate and orange flavor combination through its iconic shape, unique flavors, and memorable marketing campaigns.

Navel Chocolate oranges, with their distinct brown hue and sweet, low acidity flavor, offer a unique variety that adds elegance and novelty to culinary creations. These oranges can be consumed raw, used in salads, or incorporated into various recipes, providing a sweet and chocolatey twist to dishes.

In conclusion, the relationship between chocolate and oranges is truly a match made in culinary heaven. The combination of their complementary flavors creates a delightful and indulgent experience. Whether you’re enjoying a classic chocolate-covered orange or exploring the unique taste of Navel Chocolate oranges, the chocolate and orange flavor combination offers a world of culinary possibilities to satisfy your cravings and delight your taste buds.